Coherent Optical Products

Whether you are working with 100G coherent transceivers or 1 Terabit long haul communication systems, our Optical Modulation Analyzer can be configured to suit your exact requirements.


  • Get the full insight of your signal quality
    Advanced visual signal analysis using constellation, spectral plots and eye diagrams, plus an extensive list of numerical parameters including EVM, BER, bias errors and more.
  • Up to 70GHz of system bandwidth
    Characterize 400G-ZR, 800G-ZR and signals up to 140GBaud with 70GHz of OMA system bandwidth.
  • Maximize your return on investment
    With the modular architecture of Tektronix DPO70000SX oscilloscopes, you can decouple some of the oscilloscopes and test optical or electrical PAM4 or PAM8 signals.
  • Accurate measurements with the lowest EVM noise floor
    Industry’s lowest EVM noise floor makes it the ideal OMA for characterizing higher order modulation formats such as 64QAM.
  • Function Product Series Key Specification
    Coherent Signal Generation AWG70000B Arbitrary Waveform Generator Waveform generation at 50 GSample/s and 10 bits resolution
    Coherent Signal Digitizer DPO70000SX ATI Performance Oscilloscope Flexible acquisition with bandwidth up to 70 GHz at 200 GSamples/s


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      Sinetec Technologies
      Tel: 04222446162