The BlackBox G4400, the best power quality analyzer in the market today, is equipped with the revolutionary PQZIP patent algorithm for continuous waveform recording. This most advanced analyzer enables you to predict, prevent and troubleshoot an incidence easily, without the need to set any trigger or threshold in order to capture a specific event. Continous Waveform…
The BlackBox G4400, the best power quality analyzer in the market today, is equipped with the revolutionary PQZIP patent algorithm for continuous waveform recording. This most advanced analyzer enables you to predict, prevent and troubleshoot an incidence easily, without the need to set any trigger or threshold in order to capture a specific event.
The G4400 fixed power quality analyzer is able to record and store all electrical waveform continuously for more than a year, with no gaps in the data. The G4400 fixed power quality analyzer offers a clear and comprehensive picture of the conditions before, during, and after an event.
Sinetec Technologies
Tel: 04222446162